Information for Students applying for a Scholarship

Who is eligible
To determine the eligibility of each applicant and the extent of support the Trustees may consider the following criteria:
(a) The extent of the applicant’s interest and involvement in matters promoting Polish language, culture and benefiting the Polish community in New Zealand;
(b) The suitability of the applicant for the proposed course of study;
(c) The past scholastic record of the applicant;
(d) The financial status and/or needs of the applicant;
(e) Other relevant factors at the Trustees’ sole discretion.
Students who meet the eligibility criteria can apply for refund of course fees, cost of their textbooks and other course related costs.
Application Closing Dates
There are two funding rounds with application closing dates as follows:
Round 1 - 31 March
Round 2 - 30 September
To be processed within a funding round applications must be received by Trustees before the appropriate closing date for that round. Applicants will be informed about the outcome of their application within approximately one month of the closing date.